Monday, March 17, 2008

Commonwealth Attorney: OOPS!

Some interesting quotes via an excellent article by Mike Allen of the Roanoke Times:

Barber also has angrily challenged claims made in Scott County court documents that he was involuntarily committed to a mental institution after the guns were found. It was the assertion by campus police that he had been committed that led a judge to suspend his concealed-carry permit.

Barber has shown The Roanoke Times copies of a temporary detention order signed Feb. 29 and a release paper dated March 3. Together, they appear to indicate that he was held in a mental institution for several days but that his evaluators found nothing wrong with him.

Scott County Commonwealth's Attorney Marcus McClung said he had viewed the situation as an emergency that needed a fast response. He pursued the petition using the best evidence he had available: testimony from a campus police sergeant that Barber had been committed.

McClung said he's preparing a new petition using a different statute, under which the issue of whether Barber was committed won't matter.

He noted that the suspension doesn't affect Barber's right to own firearms, and that Barber can appeal.

Asked about Barber's assertion that the college gave the wrong information to authorities, college Vice Chancellor Gary Juhan replied, "I can't comment on that."


VT_SCCC said...

Steve - saw this article today and I was glad to hear the RT gave a gun owner a fair shake for once. Count your blessings - that is a rarity.

I am the Campus Leader for the Virginia Tech chapter of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus. We talked a bit about your situation yesterday and are interested in helping you out with support and/or finances in your endeavor. CPurdue posted on OpenCarry saying he was the guy who got caught carrying on VT campus a few years ago and Del. Griffith helped him out - he (Clint)is in our ranks.

With 135 members and growing fast, I'm sure we could provide a lot of help and have links to a few hundred other supporters from other schools. I hope we can talk about it. You can contact me at - please do and good luck!

JTylerBallance said...

This is EXACTLY the sort of abuse of power that concerns the VCDL. Idiots in college administrations and elsewhere will use the slightest stretch to nullify someone's concealed carry permit.

There is no relationship to the Virginia Tech shooting, here. So there is no logic of pursuing a cookie-cutter, anti-civil liberty stand.

The bottom line to this situation is that Leftists who dominate our college campuses are actively engaging in all sorts of underhanded acts to muzzle or otherwise suppress conservatives on campus.

This approach that anyone who is reported to have made some jackass "uncomfortable" by uttering a few choice thoughts, such as Men should be free, or individual rights are given to us by GOD, not the State or their proxy, university administrators, is just a corrupt, anti-American behavior adopted by the Left to stop Conservative ideas from being heard.

The top staff at Wise should all be fired and the Board of Visitors must either support and defend our Constitution, or be replaced by the Governor.

A note to Tim Kaine: If you leave those administrators in place at Wise, you can kiss your political future GOOD-BYE!