It's easy to simply dismiss his psychotic rant as being a token of jealousy: indeed, it appears that if you add up my quotations line by line, I've published more in the Wall Street Journal than he has had published in anything. But on the other hand he's slept with more UVA Wise students than I have, so shouldn't that make us even?
Regardless, here is some history with Professor Nicholas Kiersey that virtually no one knows about.
He had his International Relations class literally SLANDER a conservative student on campus for a GRADE:
A prominent conservative on campus (the one The Highland Cavalier will actually publish) named Justin Jurek wrote an editorial claiming that the "Anti-war movement can be anti-American" or so the title went.
Kiersey's International Relations class then did a rebuttal in the next issue of the college paper. Keep in mind it was a class project and no one dissented--Kiersey kept detailed notes of his facilitation of the project. The class mis-characterized his argument as being that the "Anti-war movement IS anti-American" They even lied and said,
Mr. Jurek chooses to characterize the people of the Middle East as "terrorists and tyrants" and "enemies of civilization."
Needless to say, Justin Jurek never even used the words "terrorists and tyrants" or "enemies of civilization" in his editorial.
Anyway, long story short: we had kept his original editorial, scanned the image, and put it in Notes From Underground's counter-rebuttal to Kiersey's class proving they were lying about Jurek's argument, making quotes up out of thin air, etc.
The Non-Bribe Bribe
Kiersey then arranged for a hush-hush meeting to be held with me, himself, and another professor who was my adviser. At that meeting, he offered over $200 (the cost of printing the issue) for us to not distribute it on campus, sheepishly saying, "Don't take this as a bribe." A compromise was reached (at his protest!) where we censored ourselves for a rather glib insult we used against him in reference to a separate topic ("Kiersey flexed his spindly little academic muscles..." was what the fuss was about). We whited-out that one line and distributed the issue despite his protest.
The next incident happened when I caught him plagiarizing a book review done by the Southern Poverty Law center of Pat Buchanan's book State of Emergency. He quoted verbatim part of the review done by SPL with no citation. I took notice only because the original review resorts to outright fabrication--
White America is changing color, Buchanan argues -- "one of the greatest tragedies in human history." [note: said both by SPLC and by Kiersey in a slide used for his class]
And as trivia here's what Buchanan really said:
This is not immigration as America knew it, when men and women made a conscious choice to turn their backs on their native lands and cross the ocean to become Americans. This is an invasion, the greatest invasion in history. Nothing of this magnitude has ever happened in so short a span of time. There are 36 million immigrants and their children in the United States today, almost as many as came to America between Jamestown in 1607 and the Kennedy election of 1960. Nearly 90 percent of all immigrants now come from continents and countries whose peoples have never been assimilated fully into any Western country. Against the will of a vast majority of Americans, America is being transformed. As our elites nervously avert their gaze or welcome the invasion, we are witness to one of the great tragedies in human history.
It's plain for all to see that a) the SPLC read Buchanan's book and is deliberately and maliciously accusing him of racism. And b) Kiersey didn't read Buchanan's book, and stole a book review from a leftist think tank without citation. [note: I cannot find the slide in question anymore--however, at the time of the incident I showed it to a handful of inner-circle friends, a professor within Kiersey's department, and also his department chair.]
I really don't understand Professor Kiersey's duplicity. On one hand he says:
I can tell you that he is a thoughtful and intelligent young man, capable of great insight. Unlike many of the students who come to the campus, who instinctively replicate the dominant political worldview of their surrounding culture, Barber has the ability to explain the reasoning behind his views. With so much potential, it is a shame that his academic career has come to this end.
But then he goes on to say:
Since his arrival on campus in Fall of 2007, Mr Barber strategically sought to make himself a very public figure. He advocated extremely controversial viewpoints in a series of inflammatory articles in his underground newspaper, wherein he also regularly targeting "liberal" faculty for views he deemed to be anti-American....As the record suggests, Barber had a penchant for generating controversy simply for the sake of it. Where Barnes' actions were focused on raising awareness about an important issue, Barber's actions were of a rather more egotistical nature, focused simply on raising awareness about himself.
Had Mr Barber been allowed to remain in school, there would have been a revolt among faculty and students alike. The school was right to find whatever legal means it could to keep him from ever setting foot in the place again.
An ironic statement given that there actually was a protest IN SUPPORT OF ME outside of Dr. Juhan's office at my expulsion hearing. I'm also assuming I have some guardian angel faculty member who took the story to the Roanoke Times (they had my Notes From Underground email so I'm suspecting a friend not a foe).
It's funny that liberals (he likes saying "marxist with a little 'm'") like Kiersey rant and rave about diversity, but then when they start losing arguments they start calling their opponents gay. That's especially interesting because it was known in the newspapers that I am considering re-enlisting.
While it's true it is extremely un-collegiate to be outing students on their blogs, I suppose it would also be un-collegiate for me to announce that Kiersey has slept with multiple students on campus: something he bragged about at a drunken night in the local watering hole known as Mosby's. But then again, they kicked me out of school so who cares if I'm being un-collegiate. His braggadocio resulted in an emergency faculty meeting where faculty were reminded about their ethical obligations. Anyway, he's leaving Wise for some no-named place in Ohio.
Kiersey is really a nutball Marxist, who frequents Hamas propaganda sites to form his political opinions. Indeed in an entry on his own blog he referenced an article done by Electronic Intifada on how Obama is too pro-Israel (an assertion dubious as Holocaust denial IMO) as why he didn't support Obama.
I would pray that he gets deported back to Ireland, but on second thought he's probably too dangerous to be allowed on an airplane.
I remember it wasn't long ago when Kiersey was offering me job references:
I suppose after his plagiarism, blatant duplicity, unprofessional conduct, and affinity for Hamas propaganda, I could call Ohio University at Chillicothe to return the favor.
1 comment:
Quite ironic that the college employs professors who are guilty of plagiarism, when an English professor brought the same charges upon me in the UVA-Wise Honor Court. We will call this professor "Professor W" in order to avoid any further civil action (i.e. libel, slander) toward me.
Professor W. encouraged input and interaction about assigned readings, but when I made attempts to do so, Professor W. would snarl at me and attempt to prove me wrong. If you did not perceive the assigned literature in the way that Professor W. perceived it, you were wrong, and Professor W. made you feel inferior.
Professor W. had targeted me all semester. And it's unfortunate that I gave her the ammo to almost sabotage my college degree. While the rest of everyone walked through the line and was able to get their degree that day, all I got was a piece of paper. I had to stay over and do another class under another professor to make up for the credit.
Even the registrar called me a couple of days before graduation day. The registrar said I had 3 A's, 1 B, and an F, and asked me what was wrong. I told the registrar what happened with Prof. W. and the registrar told me that I wouldn't get my degree on time because of the failed class (I failed the class because I didn't go anymore after Prof.W brought the charges upon me).
Admittedly I did wrong, but I paraphrased one point from a website and did not cite it. I had to come back over to the college over the summer for the hearing. Unfortunately, my stepfather passed away and in all likelihood was probably murdered, the investigation chalked it up to an "accidental fall," and now it is a cold-case file.
My stepfather's funeral was a mere two days before the hearing, so I was so emotionally distraught, I had no time to prepare my case. I had several people who wanted to come in and testify on my behalf, alleging that they were targeted by Professor W. as well when they had her in class.
UVA-Wise has the best admissions team around and has some geniunely nice people on their staff. But some leave a lot to be desired and have massive superiority complex.
Prof. W., the Academic Dean, the VC of Admin, and the entire Honor Court showed no sympathy for my stepfather's passing despite my grief, and the Honor Court gave me 120 hours of community service over one paraphrased sentence. I've read about people in the paper robbing convenience stores and stealing cars that got less than that.
So it's no surprise to me what you've had to endure. I just find it quite ironic. Plagiarism, haha.
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